California Mandated Reporter Training
New to the state? New to the profession?
Or are you looking for a training to make sure that your staff is up to par?
Enjoy your mandated reporter training with me as your guide, and feel confident that you’ll walk away with all the information you need to be sure that you know what’s expected of you as you bear the responsibility of being a mandated reporter.
Need a Refresher Course on Mandated Reporting?
Being a mandated reporter is a heavy responsibility. But for those of us who have jobs with many responsibilities, forgetting the details of mandated reporting is common. However, your knowledge in the area can save a life. It’s crucial to stay informed and review your responsibilities and ensure that your employees are informed of the same.
By going through our mandated reporting webinar, you’ll fill in the essential details and leave with a much stronger sense of your duties in this highly critical area.
California Mandated Reporting Laws
Not all mandated reporting laws are the same. California’s mandated reporting laws are very explicit and pertain to specific jobs, specific types of abuse, and have specific consequences as dictated in state law. It’s important that you stay up to date as you fulfill your responsibilities as a mandated reporter in California.
Failure to report suspected child abuse can earn you a misdemeanor, requiring up to 6 months in jail or up to $1,000 in fines.
The Responsibility of Being a Mandated Reporter
Around 5 children die every day due to abuse or neglect. As someone who spends time around children, there is a moral and legal obligation to recognize abuse or neglect and report it to the appropriate authorities.
Children are often the most vulnerable victims of abuse. The trauma they undergo as children can follow them into their adult lives. As a mandated reporter, your interjection could potentially save a child’s life.
Who Needs Mandated Reporter Training?
Anyone who spends time near children as part of their job is a primary candidate for mandatory reporting training, although the responsibilities of mandated reporting extend beyond caring for the welfare of children. Dependent disabled persons, and elderly folks are also beneficiaries of mandated reporting laws.
Many states or counties recommend taking a mandated reporter training every year to stay in the loop about best practices for protecting children. If you think you qualify for any of the above, sign up for the webinar today.
Who Is A Mandated Reporter In California?
In California, you may be designated as a mandated reporter by your profession. Whether you are a health practitioner (physical or mental health), a public servant (firefighter, police personnel, animal control officer, humane society officer, district attorney), clergy member, or have regular access to children (school or daycare employees, administrators or employees of public or private youth organizations or day camps) or you work in child safety, you are a mandated reporter.
Are you a mandated reporter?
Is your agency’s staff prepared?
Do you have the resources you need?
We can provide the following resources:
Learn about California laws about mandated reporting
Define child abuse and neglect, domestic violence, and elder abuse in California
Review mandated reporting procedures
Train attendees about how to recognize signs of child maltreatment and disabled adult/elder abuse
Practice identifying risk factors and red flags with case studies
Review: Who are mandated reporters?
Easy steps for when and how to report child or elder abuse
Discuss real-life experience: What happens after a report is made?
“We worry about what a child will become tomorrow, yet we forget that he is someone today.”
— Stacia Tauscher
The Goals of Mandated Reporter Training
As always, the best tool is to stay informed.
The best way to protect children from abuse and neglect is to do our best to prevent the abuse in the first place or remedy the situation before it contributes to irreparable damage. An essential part of the mandated reporter training goal is to educate people who may encounter families or children on the signs of abuse and neglect.
It is not only important to know the responsibilities of a mandated reporter but also what a mandated reporter is not responsible for. For instance, a mandated reporter does not have to prove that abuse or neglect did, in fact, occur. This knowledge should help encourage more reports without the burden of proof.
The training also covers the reporting process. When should you make a report? What should you include in it? These are all questions we address to help you navigate this tricky process.
As there are legal consequences for those who do not fulfill their duties as mandated reporters, we take our responsibility very seriously to provide you with what you need to know. We don’t want to overwhelm anyone, but we do think this is ultimately important, not just to protect yourself but to protect the children, dependent disabled people, and elders in your community.
What’s Included:
My Mandated Reporter Webinar
The mandated reporter training includes:
Everything mentioned above, plus:
An overview of the legal aspects of mandated reporting
A discussion on the importance of stepping in to protect children and more vulnerable members of our society
A list of jobs that are included under the mandated reporter law
Details specific to California regarding mandated reporting
Amanda Gibson, LCSW
About Me
Counseling | Coaching | Consulting
I have worked for over 15 years in clinical and leadership roles in non-profit organizations specializing in helping people and organizations find the best version of themselves.
For much of my career, I have focused on trauma and advocating for children. Because the issue of child abuse and neglect is so prevalent, I believe mandated reporting can save lives and protect the most vulnerable among us.
Why Work With a Therapist
As a therapist, I am uniquely qualified to help you understand both the reasons why mandated reporting is vital along with the details of reporting. From what forms to fill out, what procedures to follow, and guidance about how to have meaningful conversations with those you intend to report—this mandated reporter training can help you feel confident in your role.
With my extensive experience with mandated reporting, I can give you and your employees the knowledge and resources you need to successfully protect yourself and vulnerable populations in your community.
What Your Business Needs in 2021
Organizational Development
Have you considered whether your business is running optimally? Organizational development aims to enhance your day-to-day processes and upgrade the performance of your teams. We can help you take a step back and analyze your business with a clear vision of where you are now and how to get to where you want to be.
Leadership Coaching
Organizations need good leaders, and even good leaders need some support. To delegate efficiently and run your teams with inspiration and motivation, leadership coaching provides you with the tools you’ll need to carry your business to success. Through individual coaching sessions, we help you learn about your strengths and weaknesses and show you techniques to amplify your influence.
Be an Anti-racism Workplace
In 2021, we can no longer look the other way or ignore racism in the workplace. Through this training, you’ll learn about discrimination in the workplace, how race and privilege converge, and what people in positions of power can do to advocate for those without a voice. If you want to create the ideal working environment for all of your employees, educate yourself and your staff on intersectionality and allyship.
Be a Trauma-Informed Workplace
Whether for the employees in your organization or those you serve, recognizing trauma and creating an environment of safety is incredibly important. Identifying these signs and putting yourself in a position to help those who have undergone trauma can help you save someone from despair, whether that someone is a colleague or a client.
ACEs Training
The experiences that children undergo can have many different effects on their lives. Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs) are moments of trauma children experience that follow them throughout their adult lives. Just as mandated reporters need to be aware of the signs of abuse and neglect, understanding ACEs and knowing how to spot the telltale signs of trauma can help you save a child’s life.